Guide to choosing a car mattress

Guide to choosing a car mattress

The sleeping bag is an essential companion for every outdoor enthusiast. Whether you're going camping, trekking or to a festival, the right mattress will ensure that your sleep is comfortable and restorative. In this article, we'll explore the different types of mattresses available on the market and what to look out for when choosing one.

Material: Mattresses are made from a variety of materials, each with their own specific properties. Foam mattresses are lightweight and durable, but may not offer as much insulation as inflatable ones. Inflatable mattresses provide better insulation and are more comfortable, but may be more prone to damage.


Thickness, Insulation and R-values: The thickness of the car mattress is crucial for comfort and insulating properties. In most cases, the thicker the mattress, the better the insulation and comfort. Insulation properties are often indicated by R-value, which refers to the material's ability to resist heat loss. A higher R value means better insulation. Here is a guide to R values for different conditions:

  • R1: is a pronounced summer car mattress, ideal for warm nights.
  • R2 - R4: suitable from spring to autumn, they offer good insulation for most conditions.
  • R4 - R6: with these models you don't have to worry about sleeping even in winter, they provide a high level of insulation.
  • R6 and above: car mattresses for arctic conditions and sleeping on snow, for those looking for maximum protection from the cold.

Size and weight: For trekking and backpacking, the weight and collapsibility of a car mattress is important. If you are looking for a car camping mattress, you may prefer more convenience over light weight.


Types of mats:

  • Foam mattresses: Cheap, durable and lightweight. Ideal for beginners or as a back-up insulation layer.
  • Inflatable air mattresses: Offer excellent comfort and insulation. They require more care but are ideal for those seeking maximum comfort.
  • Self-inflating mattresses: Combine the benefits of foam and inflatable mattresses. Easier to use, but usually more expensive.

Choosing the right mattress is key to quality sleep and recovery during your outdoor adventures. When choosing one, consider the type of activities you plan to do, your physical needs and your preferred comfort.

If you have any further questions, we're happy to help!

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